Encore • Senior Adults

… because your influence doesn’t expire, when you retire! 

We’re excited to introduce our new seniors group, Encore! 

In a production, the “encore” is not merely the “final act”, it is the most impacting and memorable act! Likewise, as you’re in this “encore” season of your life, you have the potential for making maximum impact in the kingdom of God and the people around you! 

A church without a strong presence of seniors will never be as healthy and well rounded as God designed the church to be.

Beginning October 20 and continuing every 3rd Thursday @ 11:30AM, we will be hosting a bible study luncheon for seniors.  This will be a great time to connect with one another, learn with one another and pray for one another! 

At Integrity, one of our values is “intergenerational ministry”, meaning that we not only value the “presence” of multiple generations within our church, but recognize the tremendous blessing of seeing those generations “interacting” with one another in authentic Christian community!

Senior, God has blessed you with the gift of time! What you do with that time is your gift back to God! 

We believe that your influence doesn’t expire when you retire! There are so many young families and young people that crave the influence, input and wisdom that you have acquired over the years! Encore becomes a place for our seniors to gather together… and the church becomes the place where your influence is put in motion! 

So “who” is a senior? That’s a touchy subject so we’ll simply leave it as, those men and women who have entered a season of life where your age has intersected with your availability to come out on a Thursday @ 11:30AM for a bible study and lunch! 

Ministry Leaders:

Senior Adults Events

Our Senior Adult Group meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 11:30AM.

