
Woman’s Ministry

A mosaic is a beautiful work-of-art composed of unique, individual and separate pieces of stone or glass. And like the art, our woman’s ministry celebrates the individuality of each woman AND brings them together to reveal a masterpiece of strength, support, community, caring and faithfulness to God and His Word.

As we join together as women at our various gatherings, we will seek to become more like Christ, to grow into stronger Godly women, and to build each other up as we work toward these goals.

We host special Bible Studies and other events throughout the year to encourage spiritual growth and greater sense of community.

Team Contact:

Mosaic Gatherings

Mosaic Groups

Our Mosaic Women’s groups have different focuses and meet at various times.

Check out our women’s groups here.

Mosaic Events

Our Mosaic Women usually meet once a month for special events. Come on out and bring your friends and family.

Check out our upcoming events here.




Young Adults